Due to incredibly popular demand (well, three people & BMUG...), here's the latest version of Fly. What the heck, it's been 4 years....
The old Fly was horribly incompatible with Multifinder, so I've released this new version. Nothing extra was added, but several bugs were fixed. If there's enough interest, maybe someday I'll make this into a real live screen saver.... Heck, there are bunches of stuff that needs to be updated (sounds effects, color, etc.)!
To execute the application Fly, just double click and a fly will start roaming around a black screen. Move the mouse, and you get to play chase the Fly! If the mouse is kept still for a bit, the screen will again go black. Hit any key to quit.
To install the desk accessory, use the "Font/DA Mover" to install fly into your "System". After rebooting your Macintosh, the "Apple" menu will have "Fly" as one of its entries. If you select "Fly", the screen will go black with a Fly roaming around, and from here on out, it behaves like the Fly application. To get the Mac back, hit any key.
PS. For anyone reading these notes in Europe or other far away places, please have a heart and not call before 8am or after 9pm, Pacific Standard Time (I'm in the same time zone as San Francisco, California, USA, if that helps). Thanks!
The original notes have been kept for posterity:
Fly Feb 3, 1986
Fly is a cute screen-saver program with a twist. It comes in two forms, a desk accessory and an application. Use either or both; exit from either by hitting any key.
Fly was developed using LightSpeed™ C. Some code was lifted from Steve Capp's Pongarang game distributed with LightSpeed, but little is left from the original. It was my first program written for the Mac, and I have since gone over it and cleaned it up so that it should work for any Mac. If I missed anything, give a call....
The program is entirely free. Feel free to distribute it unchanged to your friends. If you really need to show your appreciation, I have friends at United Way that can always use some help....
There is a 'wait' resource that contains the number of ticks (60 per sec) to wait after the mouse is moved before turning the screen black again. It is currently set to about 10 seconds. Setting the 'wait' resource to zero will leave the screen white indefinately.
If you have any comments or whatever, feel free to give a call or write.
Ken Abrams
Chapeau Software Services, Inc.
4074 Keith Drive
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 370-7372
Warning: Watching Fly in a darked room can be hypnotizing.....